LP2019 LOC

MP912 (McLennan Physics)


McLennan Physics

William Trischuk (Physics), hirohisa tanaka (SLAC/Stanford. University)

Action Items from Feb 12 LOC meeting

- Hiro is going to get the invitations to PAC (Parallel sessions Advisory Committee) members this week. They will be free to organise parallel sessions into any themes they want, notwithstanding their individual areas of physics expertise (ie. we don't have a specific 'diversity' or 'outreach' person on the list but if we get significant number of abstracts in that area they could consider creating a (short?) parallel session on that topic.

- We discussed the current status of the plenary talk nominations -- based on the spreadsheet that is linked to the agenda. William will post that on our Google DOC area so that other members of the LOC can update it directly and send around a link to the sheet once it is there.

- Sampa updated us on the venue for the conference dinner -- the Hockey Hall of Fame. She has been discussing catering options with our conference orgnaisers (VenueWest) and is converging to request 'final quotes' from two (or more) of them. If the total catering contract for the dinner exceeds $25k (with some reasonable estimate of the number of participants) we will need three quotes to place a contract for the catering from the University. On the other hand we don't need to finalise the details of the menu until closer to the time of the meeting (2-4 weeks ahead of the actual event) when we will have a better idea of the attendance.

- David B. has prepared an application for subsidised participant attendance and Miriam has posted it on the conference INDICO page. Now we wait for applicants. Wendy offered to send out a tweet drawing people's attention to this. David will prepare a short announcement for her. William will contact previous meetin organisers to find out what kind of demand they had for these subsidies (ie. are we likely to be over-subscribed by a factor of 2? By 10% or under-subscribed?).

- Pekka reiterated his proposals for the posters. We seem to have converged on having a poster competition where the top three posters would be rewarded with a small cash prize ($150-100-50 or $300-200-100). We could try to find sponsors for these prizes (in which case they could be towards the more generous end of the spectrum. We are also considering giving the top three poster authors the opportunity to give a 5-minute presentation of their work in the plenary sessions. Pekka will prepare a short description the competition and we'll get it posted on INDICO (and tweet-ed). We can decide on the details of the prizes if/when we find some sponsors will to underwrite them.

- Fabiola is not going to be able to attend LP2019 and thus will not be able to give (part of) the public outreach lecture. Halina Abramowcz will be attending and might be a good alternative. Has anyone ever heard her give a public lecture? If we can get some feedback on that front we may consider inviting her next.

- Peter showed us a few photos of the venue (he went down there last month to scope it out). He also showed us some of the photos from the Outreach event that was held at the Science Centre last spring. May of the installations are quite large and/or would require 'wall space' for mounting. It's not clear the hotel would let us do this. Moreover, the 'upstairs' location of meeting will not get much, random, foot-traffic (ie. connect with the general public as opposed to conference participants) apart from, perhaps, the evening of the public lecture. We might consider having one or two smaller pieces in the hotel lobby (one level below the meeting venue) with some advertising of the public lecture.

- Wendy described how she is using our Twitter account -- which was transferred from LP2105 (complete with about 300 pre-existing followers). William will try to find the holder of the ICHEP twitter account and see if we can get them to re-tweet our 'existence' so that ICHEP followers can be made aware of our existence/plans. Wendy and Crystal have also prepared a Facebook "event page". Try to get this to the Physics department Facebook 'expert' and to VenueWest in the coming days for feedeback and eventual dissemination.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speaker: William Trischuk (Physics)
    • 15:10 15:20
      Physics Advisory Committee 10m
      Speaker: hirohisa tanaka (SLAC/Stanford. University)
    • 15:20 15:30
      Status of Plenary Speaker Invitations 10m
      Speakers: David Curtin, Prof. Miriam Diamond (University of Toronto), William Trischuk (Physics), hirohisa tanaka (SLAC/Stanford. University)
    • 15:30 15:35
      Conference Dinner 5m
      Speaker: Sampa Bhadra
    • 15:35 15:40
      Paticipant Subsidies/Visas 5m
      Speaker: David Bailey
    • 15:40 15:45
      Scientific Poster Session plans 5m
      Speaker: Pekka Sinervo (University of Toronto)
    • 15:45 15:50
      Conference poster 5m
      Speakers: Crystal Liao, Richard Teuscher
    • 15:50 16:00
      Public Lecture speaker(s) 10m
      Speaker: William Trischuk (Physics)
    • 16:00 16:05
      Public Outreach in conjunction with Public Lecture 5m
      Speaker: Peter Krieger (University of Toronto (CA))
    • 16:05 16:15
      Social Media 10m
      Speakers: Crystal Liao, Wendy Taylor