Jul 17 – 22, 2022
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto
America/Toronto timezone

Orbital Feshbach Molecules

Jul 18, 2022, 5:00 PM
1h 30m
Hart House (Hart House)

Hart House

Hart House

7 Hart House Cir, Toronto, ON M5S 3H3
Poster presentation Degenerate gases, many-body physics, and quantum simulation Poster session


Spin-polarized samples, spin mixtures and Feshbach molecules of quantum degenerate fermionic atoms are prepared in selected excited Bloch bands of an optical chequerboard square lattice. For the spin-polarized case, extreme band lifetimes above 10 s are observed, reflecting the suppression of collisions by Pauli’s exclusion principle. For spin mixtures, lifetimes are reduced by an order of magnitude by two-body collisions between different spin components, but still remarkably large values of about one second are found [1].
Access to a broad Feshbach resonance allows for precise control of the interactions between atoms and molecules. Collision dynamics and binding energies of orbital Fermi gases in the unitary regime and are investigated for the first time. Remarkably long lifetimes of dimers in the second Bloch band on the onset of the unitarity regime are observed. By analyzing momentum spectra and band populations, we can directly observe the orbital character of the optical lattice.

[1] M. Hachmann et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 033201, July 2021

Presenter name Yann Kiefer
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Primary authors

Yann Kiefer (Universität Hamburg) Mr Max Hachmann (Universität Hamburg) Andreas Hemmerich (Universität Hamburg)

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