Jul 17 – 22, 2022
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto
America/Toronto timezone

Satellite meetings and events

Associated with ICAP 2022 are several satellite events:

CATMIN (Cold ATom Molecule INteractions) is holding a meeting from 14 to 15 July, which are the Thursday and Friday before ICAP. For registration information and a list of invited speakers, see the CATMIN even page at the Perimeter Institute.

The ICAP Virtual Summer School will be run by the Institute of Quantum Computing in the two weeks leading up to ICAP 2022. Lecturers include Wolfgang Ketterle, Michael Köhl, Misha Lukin, Baptiste Royer, Giulia Semeghini, Masahito Ueda, and Tanya Zelevinsky. For more information, see the IQC Summer School web site

ICAP x TRIUMF.  TRIUMF -- Canada's particle accelerator centre -- has a growing AMO-based research program. Stimulated by new prospects for AMO precision studies at accelerator facilities, ICAP will feature a crossover session with this year’s TRIUMF Science Week, being held concurrently in Vancouver. This ICAP x TRIUMF session will showcase achievements and opportunities for atomic and molecular physics pursued by the TRIUMF community. The hope is to spark new connections and explore research at the intersection of accelerator-based science and AMO physics. 

Date and time: Wednesday July 20, 12:45p-13:45p. The session will be live-streamed from TRIUMF for ICAP attendees, and audience members will be able to  interact with the remote speakers. 

Gerald Gwinner (U. Manitoba)
Takamasa Momose (UBC)
Ronald Garcia Ruiz (MIT)

Location: Room 25 in Woodsworth College Residences (WCR), 321 Bloor St W. 

WCR is less than 5 minutes' walk from the main ICAP venue, Koerner Hall. Walk west along Bloor Street towards the intersection with St. George Street. Signs will be posted on the day. Please note if you are using online maps: WCR is not the same as "Woodsworth College" -- WCR is much closer to the ICAP venue.