Synopsis The asymmetric profiles of Fano interference in the thin-film planar cavity have been studied by changing the nuclear abundance. It is found that the resonant nuclear resonance seems to be unexcited superficially at a critical nuclear abundance in the overcritical regime and the reflectivity shows a flat line. The mechanism behind the flat line is the controllable relative amplitude of the discrete state in the framework of destructive interference.
An ensemble of N static atoms can be excited into an entangled state by the photon field, resulting in some novel intriguing effects caused by the resonant dipole-dipole interaction, such as the directed spontaneous emission, subradiance as well as the collective Lamb Shift (CLS) that arise form the surreal virtual process within the atomic ensemble. Except for the unique phenomena, the collective effect of the atomic ensemble is also excepted, because the enhancement factor $\sqrt N $ is important in various systems.
Over the past decade, x-ray quantum optics thrives with the development of the high-brilliance synchrotron radiation and x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) [1-3]. Designed several nm-scale thickness layers and probed in the mrad grazing incidence, the thin-film planar cavity becomes one promising platform to study the x-ray photons-matter interaction and opens new avenue for the x-ray quantum optics [4,5].
In the present work, Fano interference influenced by the collective effect is investigated by intercalating the resonant M$\ddot{\rm{o}}$ssbauer nuclei ($^{57}$Fe) with various nuclear abundance in the thin-film planar cavity. By introducing the complex $q$, the asymmetric profiles in the overcritical and undercritical regimes are considered as the Fano-Lorentz type viz. the incoherent superposition between the normal Fano resonance and a Lorentz peak. In the framework of the Fano-Lorentz profile, the weight and its range of the normal Fano resonance are related to the collective effect of the nuclear ensemble and cavity regime, respectively. By adjusting the nuclear abundance, the undercritical cavity always has the symmetric peak at the cavity mode angle, while the transformation among the symmetric peak, flat line, and valley is observed in the overcritical cavity. As for the flat line, it corresponds to a critical nuclear abundance where the resonant nuclear ensemble seems to be unexcited superficially. From the viewpoint of destructive interference, this interesting phenomenon is explained self-consistently by the controllable relative amplitude of the two pathways..
[1] B. W. Adams et al 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 173601
[2] A. Chumakov et al 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 261
[3] R. Schneider et al 2018 Nat. Phys.. 14 126
[4] R. R$\ddot{\rm{o}}$hlsberger et al 2010 Science. 328 1248
[5] R. R$\ddot{\rm{o}}$hlsberger et al 2010 Nature. 482 99
Presenter name | Tian-Jun Li |
online poster URL |*HehWLdt94eVteQjoe4dDADN.eHp0mA9WdOc3nrTKpFjDPpSDtNFvzOcIz4X2DPPMUZxDGc6lLVIM9Y!/b&bo=wAY4BAAAAAAGB90!&rf=viewer_4 |
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