Jul 17 – 22, 2022
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto
America/Toronto timezone

Towards the creation of ultracold, neutral plasmas with oppositely charged particles of equal mass via long-range Rydberg molecules

Jul 18, 2022, 5:00 PM
1h 30m
Hart House (Hart House)

Hart House

Hart House

7 Hart House Cir, Toronto, ON M5S 3H3
Poster presentation Trapped ions, Rydberg atoms, and cold plasmas Poster session


Long-range Rydberg molecules are molecules in highly-excited electronic states where the binding results from the scattering of an almost free electron of a neutral atom within its orbit. In our lab, we have in recent years developed a detailed experimental and theoretical understanding of the binding in homo- and heteronuclear long-range Rydberg molecules [1]. Our experimental techniques include high-resolution photoassociation and millimeter-wave spectroscopy in ultracold atomic mixture spectroscopy. A novel, especially insightful tool is photodissociation spectroscopy of long-range Rydberg molecules, which allows for a tomographic characterization of the molecular electronic and vibrational state [2].
In this presentation I will focus on our recent progress towards the creation of an ultracold plasma consisting of Cs$^+$ ions and Cs$^-$ ions [3]. Our experimental route starts with the photoassociation of long-range Rydberg molecules from an ultracold gas of ground-state atoms using a single-photon UV excitation. These molecules are then deexcited to ion-pair states, also called heavy Rydberg molecules, by nanosecond-long pulses from a mir-IR laser. Products are characterized by time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The dense gas of ultracold molecules in ion-pair states forms an ideal starting point to form an ultracold neutral plasma, e.g. by RF dissociation.

[1] M. Peper and J. Deiglmayr, Heteronuclear Long-Range Rydberg Molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 013001 (2021)
[2] M. Peper and J. Deiglmayr, Photodissociation of Long-Range Rydberg Molecules, Phys. Rev. A 102, 062819 (2020)
[3] M. Peper and J. Deiglmayr, Formation of Ultracold Ion Pairs through Long-Range Rydberg Molecules, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 064001 (2020)

Presenter name Johannes Deiglmayr
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Primary authors

Prof. Johannes Deiglmayr (University of Leipzig, Department of Physics and Geosciences) Dr Michael Peper (University of Leipzig, Department of Physics and Geosciences) Dr Martin Trautmann (University of Leipzig, Department of Physics and Geosciences)

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