Trapped-ions are one of the most mature platforms for quantum computation and quantum simulation. In trapped-ion quantum simulators the spin-spin interactions are mediated by the collective motion of the ions in the crystal (phonons). We show that additional optical tweezer potentials can be used to engineer the phonon spectrum, and thus tune the interactions and connectivity of the ion qubits beyond the power-law interactions accessible in current setups [1].
Moreover, we use optical tweezers to create two new scalable architectures for trapped-ion quantum computing. Neither scheme relies on ground state cooling or the Lamb-Dicke approximation. In the first we use a combination of optical tweezers delivering qubit state-dependent local potentials with an oscillating electric field [2]. Since the electric field allows for long-range qubit-qubit interactions mediated by the center-of-mass motion of the ion crystal alone, it is inherently scalable to large ion crystals. In the second scheme, the strong curvature of the light field of the tightly focused tweezer creates strong polarization gradients that lead to qubit-state dependent forces on the ion (optical Magnus effect [3]). We show that these may be used to implement quantum logic gates on pairs of ion qubits in a crystal [4].
[1] Phys. Rev. A 104, 013302 (2021)
[2] Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 260502 (2021)
[3] Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 233201 (2020)
[4] In preparation.
Presenter name | Arghavan Safavi-Naini |
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