17–22 Jul 2022
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto
America/Toronto timezone

Electrostatic interactions involving exotic long-range Rydberg molecules

Not scheduled
1h 30m
Abstract of recent or ongoing work (by remote / virtual participant) Structure and properties of atoms, ions, and molecules Abstracts by remote participants


A ground state atom immersed in the wave function of the valence electron of a Rydberg atom can generate a long-range Rydberg molecule (LRRM). In this work, using the multipole expansion of the electrostatic interaction in prolate spheroidal coordinates, approximate and compact expressions of the electrostatic potential that determine the chemistry of trilobite and butterfly LRRM are explored. It is shown that even the prolate spheroidal monopole term can be used to describe general features of the potential generated by an LRRM at short distances. It is also shown that even at long separations that allow a perturbative description of the intermolecular interaction between two LRRM, the convergence of the spheroidal multipole expansion is faster than that of its spherical analogue.

Presenter name Rivera Rodríguez, Homar
online poster URL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ePgTWDXbBvhDl0HCkTm-QeYu-8nSrlcH/view?usp=sharing
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Primary authors

Mr Homar Rivera Rodríguez (Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Dr Rocío Jáuregui (Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

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