Jul 17 – 22, 2022
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto
America/Toronto timezone

A resonance facilitated three-channel model for p-wave scattering

Jul 21, 2022, 5:00 PM
1h 30m
Hart House (Hart House)

Hart House

Hart House

7 Hart House Cir, Toronto, ON M5S 3H3
Poster presentation Degenerate gases, many-body physics, and quantum simulation Poster session


We have shown that two-channel Feshbach theory works well to describe p-wave Feshbach resonances [1], however a peculiar result of a non-intuitive molecular magnetic moment led to the realization that an additional shape resonance was part of the scattering problem and unaccounted for.
We study how two shape resonances in separate hyperfine channels in Potassium-40 interact with a Feshbach resonance. To account for all resonances, we need (at least) a three-channel model. This is theoretically and computationally highly involved.
However, as full coupled-channels calculations reveal a strong magnetic field dependence of the atom loss between the two hyperfine channels that contain the shape resonances, we approximate the coupling between the shape resonances to be purely facilitated by the Feshbach channel.
This greatly simplifies the three-channel model and allows us to retrieve the standard Breitt-Wigner form of the scattering matrix with corrected values of the resonance width and resonance shift resulting from the presence of the third channel. We reveal that, contrary to the resonant two-channel model used in our previous analysis [1], the resonance-facilitated three-channel model can consistently match full coupled channels calculations with physically realistic input parameters.
Hence, it captures physics beyond the reach of the standard two-channel Feshbach approach.

[1] D. J. M. Ahmed-Braun, K. G. Jackson, S. Smale, C. J. Dale, B. A. Olsen, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans, P. S. Julienne, J. H. Thywissen, Probing open- and closed-channel p-wave resonances, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033269 (2021).

Presenter name Denise Ahmed-Braun
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Primary authors

Denise Ahmed-Braun (Eindhoven University of Technology) Servaas Kokkelmans (Eindhoven University of Technology)

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